Puja Services / Shanti Pujas and Jaap
Kumbh Vivah is performed for the Bride if malefic planets like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are placed in the 7th house of the natal horoscope of the Bride. During the Kumbha Vivah, the bride is symbolically married to an earthen pot. The Puja leads to the negative Doshas being taken over by the earthen pot thus pacifying the Dosha in the horoscope leading to a long, stable and happy married life.
Kumbh Vivah is performed for the Bride if malefic planets like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are placed in the 7th house of the natal horoscope of the Bride. During the Kumbha Vivah, the bride is symbolically married to an earthen pot. The Puja leads to the negative Doshas being taken over by the earthen pot thus pacifying the Dosha in the horoscope leading to a long, stable and happy married life.
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